New Market development in Ivory Coast. Commercial hub with food, non-food market and shopping arcade. Offices. Bus station. Carparking. Sports. Recreational. Future rail connection….

Baurechtschaffung fuer die Umnutzung einer ehemaligen Kaserne in 30 Studentenwohnungen mit KFW Foerderung.

Sustainable youth center in Golders Green, North London, with residential apartments on upper floors. default

Popup pilot project for a modular restaurant concept to regenerate town centres and offer a platform for start-up chefs. POTTLUCK – Konzept und Hagen 2.4.2019…

Minimalist remodelling of terrace in Camden, London. The design creates a new basement extension and lowered kitchen floor for a generous living area opening up…

The Sephardic synagogue Beth Hamedrash Knesset Yehezkel (www.bhky.org) is the first new-built place of worship in London for its community for many years. The building…

Link to the project website: www.teenhold.de Link to partner organisation: www.happylocals.org Original link: http://www.demografische-chance.de/mitmachen/wettbewerbe/land-der-demografischen-chancen.html

On behalf of a family trust, spaceAgent has successfully prepared, submitted and negotiated a number of certificates of lawful use applications for a number of…

Listed building and conservation area consent for conversion of ground floor commercial unit to residential with rear and basement extension.

Development of textile architecture for sea front restaurant, in accordance with Costas.